HIVERY Receives Japanese Government Grant to Accelerate Innovation in the Retail Sector
Catalyzing Global Retail Transformation: HIVERY's AI-Powered Innovation Recognized by Japan's Government Funding Initiative
Sydney, Australia, – June 16, 2023 – HIVERY, a leader in artificial intelligence (AI)-powered retail decision-making, is delighted to announce it has been awarded a grant of up to ¥15M (AUD160K) by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), under the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). This funding is part of the "Subsidy for Projects to Stimulate Direct Investment in Japan" program, which encourages the introduction and development of innovative technologies and business models in Japan via collaborations with Japanese enterprises.
The grant approval signifies a significant milestone for HIVERY, solidifying its mission to accelerate international expansion and affirming its cutting-edge technology's credibility on a global scale.
"This grant is a phenomenal opportunity for us to deepen our engagement in Japan and explore exciting collaborations with key retail customers - such as with major supermarkets, convenience stores, consumer packaged goods companies, as well as strategic technology partners," said Jason Hosking, co-founder & CEO of HIVERY. "We are deeply grateful for the Japanese Government’s support for continuing our journey to bring innovative retail solutions to Japan.”
Eleven grants were offered to businesses, including foreign companies with direct business operations in Japan, ranging from the largest to small businesses and start-ups. HIVERY is honored to be amongst the select few.
The HIVERY Japan team is eager to bring their international experience and research expertise to further contribute to Japan's innovative retail landscape.
HIVERY is a pioneer of next-generation hyper-local retail assortment strategy simulation & optimization solutions. These proprietary machine learning and operations research algorithms were co-developed with Australia's national science agency - CSIRO's Data61. HIVERY was founded on the vision that Data Has A Better Idea™ - and we’re working with our clients to uncover its full potential. For more information, visit www.hivery.com.
Press Contact: Franki Chamaki, VP of Marketing, Ground Floor, 483 Riley St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010Australia
2023 年 6 月 16 日
豪HIVERY 、日本政府の補助金に採択、
世界の小売業の変革を促進: HIVERYのAIを活用したイノベーションが、日本政府の補助事業として認められる
人工知能(AI)を活用した小売業における意思決定の先駆者であるHIVERY(本社:オーストラリア・シドニー)は、経済産業省所管の独立行政法人 ⽇本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)により最大1,500万円(16万豪ドル)の補助金の事業者として採択されました。本事業は、日本企業との連携により、日本における革新的な技術やビジネスモデルの導入・開発を促進する「対日直接投資喚起事業費補助金」によるものです。
HIVERY Japanのチームは、国際的な経験と研究の専門知識を活かして、日本の革新的な小売業へさらに貢献したいと考えています。
HIVERYは、個々の店舗の品揃えと棚割をシミュレーション・最適化する次世代ソリューションのパイオニアです。この独自の機械学習とオペレーションズ・リサーチのアルゴリズムは、オーストラリア連邦科学産業研究機構(CSIRO)のData61と共同開発されました。HIVERYは、Data Has A Better Idea™ (データはより良いアイデアを秘めている)というビジョンのもとに設立され、お客様とともにその可能性を最大限に引き出します。
HIVERY Japan株式会社 取締役・APACディレクター 吉村 英明